February 23, 2011

Clooney You Dog

Clooney was talking to Newsweek I guess.  Since he's an advocate for good shit and like saves African babies and stuff people obviously want him to run for office.  I mean isn't that all it takes?  I adopted a little black kid the other day for 2 reasons.  The first being those little bastards are cute as fuck.  Unlike white babies.  And the second being I wan't to have a kid in the NFL someday.  I digress...

Clooney was quoted about saying this...

“I didn’t live my life in the right way for politics, you know,” Clooney, 49, told Newsweek. “I f--ked too many chicks and did too many drugs, and that’s the truth.” And, he says, if he did run for office, he'd admit everything up front. He'd "start from the beginning by saying, ‘I did it all. I drank the bong water. Now let’s talk about issues.’ That’s gonna be my campaign slogan: ‘I drank the bong water.’?”

Bravo George.  Bravo.

I want his quote to be the title of my autobiography.

  “I fucked too many chicks and did too many drugs, and that’s the truth."

1 comment:

  1. "Have you ever been on a plane, Will?"

    "No, but the joke's better if you tell it in the first person."
