March 29, 2011

Lil Girl Likes Cudi and Cleavland

I don't like little kids.  Well, I don't like little brat kids who don't know their place.  I do, however, like this little princess.  100% how I want my little girl to be.  The way she feels the fuck out dat beat!  Like when I'm 52 (25 in girl years) I want my little 2 year old to be groovin with me to some Ush or Jay Z.  I especially likes it when she give her dada props.  "Yo, daddy.  Luh you daddy.  This my shit."  Then she just zones the fuck out.  

1 comment:

  1. Lookin at the dude driving like "Who the fuck are you?" Then the beat drops, the OMG face happens and she starts groovin. Then she starts telling everyone how much she loves them, including the guy she didn't know 2 minutes before. Then she sees the Golden Arches out the window and stares.

    Just another Saturday night.
