March 22, 2011

Chris Brown Is Not A Smart Person - Not Well At Grammar

Chris fucked up again.  

Remember when he told the Post that he was a "grown ass man" and how he doesn't like to walk around unhappy and shit and how he's a really nice guy right now and how his new album is called FAME for Forgive All My Enemies and how he's not a violent person and how he's been really good about terms on his probation and how for the past two years now he's been really good?

Well, he lied.  He's actually an emotionally unstable little dweeb.  

He was on Good Morning America and Robin asked a question about Rihanna.

Response from CB - 

“It’s not really a big deal to me now as far as that situation. I think I’m past that in my life. I think today’s the album day so that’s what I’m focused on. Everybody go get that album.”
Welp, that just wasn't good enough for Robin.

Roberts asked Brown about the situation two more times; Brown seemed increasingly agitated as their conversation progressed. After the interview, Brown performed.

The moment the song ended, he let loose.
The show’s hair and makeup staff said they had called security because they heard loud noises coming from Brown’s dressing room.
It was then discovered that a window had been smashed in Brown’s dressing room. The thick glass was destroyed and strewn across the street below.

Chris cried some more, on Twitter.

This is already down from his Twitter, but Joe was too fast, too quick.

I can't wait to see what Sheen says about this.  

Really Chris Brown, really?  At least have proper grammar when you go on a rant.  Dude obviously still isn't over Rihanna.  I get it.  We all have that one love that got away.  I mean we all have that one girl that we really loved and then beat the fuck out of and then she "got away."

At least this will help his album sales go up.  

This all could have been averted if he just listened to Usher.  Want to get over Ri or any girl?  

3:08 still gets me pumped.  

1 comment:

  1. When you break up with someone, put this song on your ringtone. When they call you, laaaaaugh.

    P.S. Superman does good. You're doing well.
