June 28, 2011

This Week In Photos

Lady Gaga still has it.  What an artist.  I wonder if that gut is part of her outrageous outfit.

Why the fuck are the Smiths so fucking out of control.  And what the fuck is his other son doing/thinking?

Oh my little ball of sunshine.  Carrying our.. I mean that one dude's child.  Sorry bro.  I swear that body will bounce back.

p.s. cankles.

Look she may be crazy.  Tom is crazy.  But that face doesn't fucking quit.  Play on, Tom.  Play on.

Once again proving why you can't marry a commoner.  Put your hands down bitch.  You're a princess now.


What the fuck.


 I'm glad these two are still famous.  They look so fun and normal.


Nice tarantula.  Bitch.